Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Welcome to September!

Can you believe that it is already September? Where is 2009 going and why is it in such a hurry? As I walked into Hobby Lobby last week, I wiped the sweat off my brow and turned to see Christmas decorations! I could hardly believe it, but I guess it is true. Although it certainly doesn’t feel like it outside, Summer is coming to a quick close and Fall will soon be here. September brings yearly events that make the weeks fly by even quicker. Area students of all ages are now back in school, football season is starting, baseball pennant races are tightening, and retail stores are preparing for holiday rushes. Everywhere we go people are preparing and looking ahead; it seems that nothing is slowing down and to say that life moves fast is a severe understatement. For this letter, I would like to mention this quick pace of life that we live in and encourage you to slow down, even for just a minute.

Preparing for tomorrow is vitally important and I am not one to downplay its importance. With all the responsibilities that we each have every day, there is an understandable peace of mind to be found if you put things in place and have a little something to fall back on – whatever that may be. However, in the fevered pursuit of this goal, we often overlook things that may not seem as important, but we may not get a chance to do again. One of my favorite commercials currently on television asks…”When was the last time you went to the Aquarium with your daughter….on a Tuesday?” The reason I like this spot is not because I like the Aquarium, or the credit card they are advertising, or even the fact that I have a young daughter, but it’s the message I take from it. It reminds me that simply slowing things down once in a while and spending time with those you cherish can be much more lasting that any meeting or deal you may be working on. I was recently looking through pictures at my grandmother’s house and I didn’t see a single one of business events that my Grandfather was involved in. What I did see were pictures of family and friends, events and vacations, many of which involved people that are no longer with us and deeply missed, making that time in the photos that much more valuable. Although the pictures ranged in age, some did not seem that long ago, another testament that life moves quickly and can change at any moment.

I am not making a soapbox stand, the simple message that I am trying to drop here in my little corner is to enjoy each day you have with those that you enjoy, love, and cherish. Work hard, set goals, provide, plan, and prepare…but I encourage you not to get lost in only that. It’s easy to do, especially in this time. Don’t miss out on the window of time that we all have to make memories and develop relationships. Balance your time, spend a little extra with friends and family. If you take care of it, work will be there, people may not. We never know what is going to happen tomorrow. If and when it is your turn to share pictures of yesteryear, make you aren’t looking for yourself in all of them and wondering where you were, because you sure won’t remember which meeting you were at!

Family, friends, and community are gifts, they are not givens. We are lucky if we have them and as time continues to fly, by take a moment to share a little appreciation. What you get back might just be the “something to fall back on” that we are all looking for! Until next month….

Geoff Spahr
Publisher, Active Youth and Community Magazine

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